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Thaci in Sofia: Let us build trust and cooperation (Indeksonline)

Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, is attending the summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Thaci said the meeting is very important to discuss the next steps of the region in the context of regional integration and also integration in the EU and NATO. “We are meeting at a very important time for the region. Now is the time to make additional constructive steps for our integration. Meetings, conversations and dialogue between all countries in the region are now a normality. Now is the time to build trust between our nations and countries. It is our responsibility as political leaders to prove that we have overcome the animosities of the previous century and to prove our commitment to building peace, stability and friendly relations. Forums such as the SEECP are platforms where we commit to cooperate with one another, provide honest support and build a better future for the whole region. By establishing cooperation and friendly relations, we also build trust that is reflect in our societies,” Thaci said. Kosovo’s President said reconciliation is the primary mechanism for building trust among nations. “After the start of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, we have seen the first visits in decades by Albanian leaders in Serbia and by Serbian leaders in Albania. Our positive steps have a regional impact”. The second step, Thaci added, is cooperation. “We are improving the road infrastructure by building highways and railways. We are cooperation in the sectors of energy and telecommunication and we have greater trade exchange. The new infrastructure will bring us closer together and will result in improved cooperation. In addition to cooperating for our development, it is crucial that we also cooperate in overcoming the challenges and threats faced by our region. The refugee wave, radicalization and extremism affect us all. Therefore, cooperation in all sectors is not only a wish but also a necessity. It is our duty as political leaders to give examples of friendship, cooperation, reconciliation and trust,” Thaci said.