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Bulliqi: Joint declaration on visa liberalisation safeguards Kosovo’s territorial integrity (Indeksonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Shpejtim Bulliqi welcomed today the idea of a joint declaration by the Kosovo Assembly to Brussels on visa liberalisation for Kosovo. Bulliqi, who is the biggest opponent from the ruling coalition to the current border delineation agreement with Montenegro, said the initiative would unblock the process and create room for renegotiations on the border demarcation agreement. “The initiative will also help safeguard Kosovo’s territorial integrity and create the needed conditions to correct the errors made by the state committee on demarcation,” Bulliqi told the news website. “We need to send positive signals that we are willing to resolve the problem, but that because of the problems we are faced with we need more time for discussions with Montenegro. I trust this will have a positive impact”. Most media reported on Tuesday that parliamentary groups, with the exception of Vetevendosje and the Serbian List, have agreed to draft a joint declaration on the visa liberalisation process, with special emphasis on the condition of the demarcation with Montenegro, whereby guarantees would be given to all EU member states that Kosovo is ready to conclude the delineation of its border with Montenegro. The agreement was reached after Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli’s meeting with members of the parliamentary committee for foreign affairs.