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Limaj: There is no witness against me (Kosovapress)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj, has spoken about the charges raised against him for war crimes. He clarified that there are 13 witnesses who describe the event and circumstances. “There is not a single witness against me … but none of the evidence is against me, this is the truth. Once again: A headline that intends to create an untrue impression. It is not the first time. With “regret” for those who do not restrain from the will to harm people, I am telling you once again that there is no evidence or proof against me,” he wrote.

The Special Prosecution of Kosovo has raised charges against the defendant, Fatmir Limaj, for crime: War crime against civilian population. According to the indictment, the case concerns murder of two civilians: Ramiz Hoxha and Selman Binishi from Banjë village, Malisevë/Malisevo municipality, who were taken on 02 November 1998, in vicinity to the village mosque in Bellanica and executed at the entrance of Kravasari village.

The indictment charges the accused Fatmir Limaj, who as member and commander of KLA 121 brigade, did not undertake reasonable and required measures within his competences to prevent or stop Ramiz Hoxha’s and Selman Binishi’s murder.

According to the indictment, Limaj saw the bodies of the victims and he was aware of the committed crime, however, he consciously did not undertake measures of finding the perpetrators of this crime and he never informed competent investigation and prosecution bodies.