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Basha: Building of the wall in Mitrovica, a provocation (gazetametro)

The leader of the Democratic Party in Albania, Lulzim Basha reacted to the building of the wall in Mitrovica north, by saying that it represents a provocation coming from Serbia to bring destabilization in Kosovo.

He took to Facebook to write that the Democratic Party offers full support to Kosovo population and institutions. “The Democratic Party is following with concern the act of building of a dividing wall according to a claimed ethnical line between Serbs and Albanians of Mitrovica,” Basha wrote. He added that this wall represents violation of Kosovo Laws and Agreements reached in Brussels.

“From the information that we have so far, it appears that the wall is being built with the support of the Serb parallel structures in Mitrovica north…

Such act is in contradiction with the expressed aspirations of the countries of the region and their representatives for a cooperating climate in perspective of the European integration of Balkans.

The Democratic Party calls upon Kosovo institutions, to undertake every required step in close coordination with the Euro- Atlantic partners, in a mature but determined manner in order to turn this situation within the parameters of law and respect the agreements reached in Brussels.

The Democratic Party requests from the Albanian government to break the silence and undertake every step of protest and raise international awareness to this kind of act which risks provoking the climate of peace and cooperation in Balkans.

This is the occasion to speak powerfully and loudly for Kosovo.

The Democratic Party is with Kosovo population and its institutions.

As always, the Democratic Party of Kosovo is engaged to denounce this act at all contacts and levels of its international representation and support institutional steps of the Government of Kosovo for a solution within the legal standards on this situation,” Basha wrote.