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EU Chief Observer: Kosovo’s voters deserve a better campaign environment (Gazeta Metro)

“During my recent visit to Kosovo I was able to meet a wide range of interlocutors who all welcomed the work of the EU Election Observation Mission and expressed their commitment to democratic elections. I also called on all elections stakeholders to take the opportunity of the 11 June elections to show democratic maturity. I want to be absolutely clear what this implies.

Any intimidation of candidates and their families is wholly unacceptable. The right to stand as a candidate and to campaign freely are absolute pre-requisites for democratic elections. All political actors should demonstrate their commitment to democratic principles by firmly rejecting all forms of intimidation, violence and pressure. I also call on the police and prosecutors to promptly and rigorously investigate all such incidents.

The police, authorities and political leaders must ensure that voters and candidates can exercise their democratic rights free from violence.

The media plays an essential role in fostering the public debate on the different political alternatives. Reported attempts by political parties to interfere and impose conditions on access to election debates are resulting in difficulties for media in organising fair and inclusive debates in line with the law, to the detriment of the electorate.

It is not too late to reverse these negative trends, which risk tainting the entire election process. Kosovo’s voters deserve better. It is incumbent on Kosovo’s political actors to demonstrate that they are willing to meet European democratic standards. This is a matter of collective responsibility. Kosovo’s political parties’ leaders must rise to this challenge.”

The EU Election Observation Mission, which has long-term observers covering all 38 municipalities in Kosovo, will continue to follow all aspects of the election process, paying particular attention to these issues.