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Haradinaj: “Happy fire” not a commendable act (media)

In an Assembly interpellation called by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) regarding the use of weapons by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Diaspora and Strategic Investment, Dardan Gashi, Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said that it was not “commendable” for someone to use weapons but "there are some traditions in our life that are still present.” He said the police has already confiscated two guns in the specific case and has interviewed five persons, including Minister Gashi, and that the matter now is with the prosecution. “I consider the request for other measures to be premature as the issue is undergoing a legal process,” Haradinaj said.

LDK demanded Haradinaj dismiss Gashi for the incident as did Vetevendosje but the ruling parties accused the opposition as using Gashi's case as a pretext to accuse the government when there are many other pressing matters that need to be addressed. They also said the opposition MPs were exaggerating Gashi’s behaviour.