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Ministry sues Zvecan municipality for not respecting construction regulations (Kosovapress/Koha)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning has filed a lawsuit against the municipality of Zvecan regarding the construction of the so-called “Sunny Valley” neighbourhood. Minister Albena Reshitaj said the ministry asked the municipality to present technical documentation regarding the project on a number of occasions but has received nothing.  “It was concluded that the Municipality of Zvecan and the Urbanism Directorate are responsible for not implementing the instructions of the ministry’s inspectorate, an act which represents a legal violation,” Reshitaj said at the Kosovo Assembly session today.

Meanwhile, Zafir Berisha MP from the Social Democratic Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) expressed skepticism that the lawsuit will actually resolve anything. He said the lawsuit will “rot” in court’s cabinets while the municipality of Zvecan will continue carrying out Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s policies. “You have competencies to take direct measures,” Berisha told Reshitaj.