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Kosovo applies for membership to Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie (Klan Kosova/EO)

Kosovo Assembly has applied to become full member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie, having been an observer since 2014. Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, announced the decision after meeting the General Secretary of the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie, Jacques Krabal. Veseli said the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie is one of the largest international organisations and expressed belief Kosovo will soon gain status of full-fledged member. “This is extraordinary news. The important thing is we are receiving continuous support; France is supporting Kosovo towards European integration,” Veseli said as reported by Ekonomia Online news website. Veseli also said he plans to continue lobbying for visa liberalisation for Kosovo and to this end will travel to Strasbourg, Paris, the Netherlands, and Berlin in the coming days.