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Kurti calls on Haradinaj to resign, claims Thaci is not competent to lead dialogue (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje has called on Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj to resign citing lack of progress in ‘correcting’ the border demarcation with Montenegro in line with the report prepared by the government commission led by Shpejtim Bulliqi. The party leader, Albin Kurti, said three months have passed since the Assembly ratified the border demarcation agreement and no steps have been taken since to correct the border line. Kurti also said Kosovo is in a situation where there can be no democracy as it has a minority government. He said Kosovo needs fresh elections as it cannot continue functioning with the current government.

Kurti also spoke about the dialogue with Serbia saying that Kosovo’s objectives in the process are not clear. He said it is clear what Belgrade wants to get out of the dialogue: EU membership and establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. In contrast, the Kosovo side, according to Kurti, has no guiding principles or clear requirements towards Serbia. He also accused Thaci of not having credibility to lead the dialogue. “The current president is not a man that makes unintentional mistakes but a man that has wrong goals. Thaci is neither credible nor competent. He is a liar and an ignorant,” Kurti said.
