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Gender inequality in access to financial resources, challenge for Kosovo (Kosovapress)

A report published by the Kosovo Women’s Network found that in the period between 2011 and 2013, the majority of social service beneficiaries were men with 62-65 percent.

According to the researches of the report, the budget of the Ministry for Labour and Social Welfare is not always allocated based on the organigram and almost all decision-making posts are exercised by men.

Igballe Rugova, executive director of the Kosovo Women’s Network, said that donors and the civil society are extremely important for successful projects while Edona Hajrullahu, chief executive of the Agency for Gender Equality, part of the Office of the Prime Minister, said that Kosovo has a legislation that guarantees equal opportunities to genders but notes that gender inequality in access to financial resources remains a challenge. She said gender budgeting would create possibilities for analyzing all forms of public expenditures in a gender aspect.