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115.759 people signed the petition "Justice for raped women" (kohaonline)

The petition for the raped women during the latest conflict in Kosovo, has managed to gather 115.759 signatures.

The Steering Board of this petition made public the results for each Kosovo municipality, during a press conference. This petition was signed at established tends at the most frequented areas, during one week in all Kosovo municipalities, excluding those with Serb majority.

During the first week, the petition was signed at static points, while during the second week, these points became mobile, moving even to the most remote rural areas. The petition is expected to be the voice of Kosovars requesting for this issue to be addressed at the most senior institutions of justice.

This petition will be submitted to the United Nations, with the intention to sensitize these mechanisms about the war crimes in Kosovo.

The latest UN report does not contain any reporting about the raped women in Kosovo.