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200 jobs from EU grants (Zeri)

EU Office in Kosovo/EUSR and Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) organized a one-day fair for recipients of their grants today in Pristina. The fair will showcase the innovations and products of the enterprises that were awarded grants through the joint EU-MTI programme "Support to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Kosovo".
The MSME Grants Programme, which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration, contributes to strengthening the local economy and reducing the trade deficit in Kosovo by improving the capacities of MSME in order to upscale production in an efficient and sustainable way in line with internationally-recognized standards. In the framework of the €4 million programme, a total of 36 enterprises (21 micro and 15 small and medium enterprises) were awarded as a result of a competitive process during which 784 project proposals were originally submitted.
As a result of the programme, Kosovar enterprises enhanced their production capacities, introduced new products, and expanded their competitiveness in regional, European, and international markets. To date, the programme has created nearly 200 sustainable jobs with a potential to increase in the future due to the increased competitiveness and efficiency of awarded enterprises.