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Pristina Albanians Quizzed over Serb Minister ‘Torture’ Claims (Balkan Insight)

The Special Prosecution asked police to interview people in Pristina who made allegations that Kosovo’s new Serb agriculture minister Nenad Rikalo tortured Albanians during the war - a claim he denies.

The head of the Kosovo Special Prosecution, Reshat Millaku, told BIRN on Wednesday that police have interviewed several people who alleged that Nenad Rikalo, Kosovo’s new agriculture minister, was allegedly involved in the torture of Albanians during the 1990s war.

“We have authorized [Kosovo Police] to interview the residents. Interviews took place at the Special Prosecution's request,” Millaku said, without giving further details.

Rikalo has denied the claims, which have also been dismissed by Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj.

Several Pristina residents, who claim to have lived in same building as Rikalo during the 1990s, told broadcaster KTV last Wednesday that they witnessed Rikalo torturing Kosovo Albanians during the war period, and that they always saw him in uniform.

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