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Threats to Slain Kosovo Serb Leader Were Ignored (Balkan Insight)

Oliver Ivanovic, shot dead on Tuesday in the northern Kosovo town of Mitrovica, had reported numerous threats, and had sought the help of both the Serbian and Kosovo authorities – but was ignored.

Oliver Ivanovic, who was shot dead in front of his office in Mitrovica on Tuesday, had several times said he and his family had received threats, and had asked Kosovo, Serbia and others for help – but without any result.

“They did all they could to me, except shoot me – but even that is not excluded,” Ivanovic said in November on N1 regional television.

Ivanovic’s car was set on fire on July 28, a few months before the local elections in Kosovo.

Ivanovic was the head of a civil initiative called Serbia, Democracy, Justice, and acted as an opponent to the main Kosovo Serb party, Srpska Lista, which is now part of the Kosovo government.

Ivanovic told N1 that the aim of the threats was to scare the people around him.

According to a report from Ivanovic’s press conference, held after the 2017 incident, he said there was one thing about him that someone didn’t like. “My politics,” he underlined.

After the incident, he told Kosovo's RTK website he had informed the leadership of Serbia, Kosovo, the international community, the EU rule of law mission, EULEX, prosecutors, and the peacekeeping force KFOR about the threats and pressures on him.

This was not first time Ivanovic’s car was set on fire; a similar incident happened in 2005, when a bomb was planted under his car, which was parked in front of the building he lived in.

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