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Ex-KLA Officials Deny Knowing of 1998 Killings (Balkan Insight)

Former senior KLA officials told the trial of Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Limaj that they knew nothing of the fate of two civilians – allegedly executed as collaborators with the Serbian regime in 1998.

The trial has continued this week before the Gjakova/Djakovica Basic Court of former KLA commander and current Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Limaj. Limaj is accused of failing to prevent the killing of two civilians, Ramiz Hoxha and Selman Binishi, in 1998. The prosecution questioned former key figures in the KLA in relation to a statement published by the newspaper Zeri i Kosoves on November 1998, issued by the Directorate of KLA Military Police, which read that Hoxha and Binish were executed as collaborators with the Serbian regime then ruling Kosovo. See at: is external)