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Vote for Arsim Bajrami (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi in his weekly column for the paper writes that the Constitutional Court has left no legal mechanism available for the parliamentary majority to be able to nominate and elect its candidate to the post of Assembly speaker. Being that, as Matoshi says, the president of Kosovo and the Constitutional Court openly support the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the opposition bloc has no other solution but to resist with legal means “capturing of the state”.

Instead of being impartial, the president of Kosovo has unconstitutionally used the Constitutional Court as her own legal office and took PDK’s side so that she avoids taking herself any political decision, claims Matoshi. He adds that in a bid to squash the parliamentary opposition, the Constitutional Court took two confusing and contradictory decisions and has produced a dangerous precedent that can lead to Kosovo not having democratic institutions as no party or coalition will ever be able to win absolute majority in elections and subsequently be able on its own to form a government.

Matoshi warns that if the PDK doesn’t back down on its stance of either being in the government or preventing their formation, “we will have a situation of general state anarchy”. In such a situation, Jahjaga will have no authority and no one will respond to her possible invitation for talks. At the same time, the Constitutional Court has given Flora Brovina, current chair of the Assembly, the role of the president and being from PDK, Brovina is most likely to “play its part” and send Kosovo to extraordinary elections hoping that somewhere along the way the opposition bloc would break and PDK would win once again, even if this means by abusing votes.

Matoshi suggests that the opposition bloc should either vote for PDK’s candidate, Arsim Bajrami, to the post of Assembly speaker and then form on its own the new government or face the prospect of fresh elections.