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Kosovo has to wait for other victories (Zëri)

Arbana Xharra criticizes opposition parties of Kosovo for “assuring another four year mandate for Hashim Thaçi.” The final verdict of Kosovars is a clear message for the opposition: in order to be a real majority, you need to create a coalition, she says. Xharra considers that opposition party leaders  were in euphoria and illusions, each of them aiming Hashim Thaçi’s seat, “therefore they lost the momentum and allowed Thaçi to win, despite all the scandals and messages from the international community that Kosovo needs new political faces.

Instead, she says these elections assured unquestionable retirement of Isa Mustafa, “who is clumsy to an extent that insults the public.”  Vetëvednosje managed to become the third party, however they are still far away from victory. “Albin Kurti should understand that elections are not won by talking only about major issues and objecting every single initiative.” She adds that the only hope of Vetëvendosje remains on radical reforms by the most recent members of this party.

Xharra says Ramush Haradinaj’s loss was expected, due to “his ridiculous flirting with Thaçi after his release from Hague. This is a good, bitter lesson for Haradinaj,” she says. According to her, the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR,) was in euphoria of the victories in local elections. They were a coincidence, therefore this party might not even make it to the parliament, says Xharra.

It remains to be seen how the new government will look. PDK represents minority of electorate. The other parties which decide to be in the coalition, will have to take over not only the promises that Thaçi made during election campaign but also to be identified and inherit their deeds. The real winners of these elections are Adem Grabovci’s sons. Kosovo has to wait for other victories,” concludes Xharra.