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Secret code: “Peace Park” (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi says that it seems the Serb leadership in the north of Kosovo has adopted a new formula: “We will not apply Serbia’s laws anymore but now we will break those of Kosovo”. One of the first acts guided by this formula, according to Kelmendi, is giving a new name to the barricade that prevents free movement and calling it park.

“Rakic, displeased with the removal of the concrete barricade by Serb citizens, has rushed to put it back there, in the form of grass and potted flowers”, writes Kelmendi adding that the mayor of northern Mitrovica proved to be “shrewd” by deciding to make the “park” only on the side of the bridge that falls under the territorial competencies of the municipality he leads. “He never mentioned he is blocking something, only that he is building something”. He even put the sign “Peace Park” in three languages, as required by the law.

Kelmendi goes on to discuss what possible consequences could Rakic face for deciding to plant flowers on the Mitrovica and notes that the most he could get will be some scolding from institutional leaders in Pristina and confusing or cautious message from internationals as well as perhaps a warning from the auditor general for not respecting procedures in constructing the “Peace Park”.

Kelmendi suggests that the Serb leaders are trying to create a “Serb mini state” in Kosovo by using the Kosovo’s legal framework. Pristina, at the same time, should view the “Peace Park” as the first episode of a long series of Belgrade scenario called “How to divide Kosovo through Kosovar rules”. “There is a need for a great deal of wisdom in the coming months for the situation not to slide into a bad, a very bad direction”, concludes Kelmendi.