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They were not from ISIS (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi writes that there are many similarities between Sunday’s protest in Mitrovica which ended in violence and the riots of March 2004. “It was the same scenario but luckily with a lower intensity”, he writes.

Matoshi further alleges that the policy makers close to the current government wish to achieve certain goals by using teenagers for political purposes. Matoshi also says these policy makers wish further to blackmail the international community through uncontrolled violence into helping Pristina authorities to get out of the collapse in which it put itself into.

Matoshi claims that ‘para-state’ structures are creating suitable conditions for flourishing of anarchic groups who always have a mentor behind but appear to be spontaneous and disoriented. “It is known full well that the guys with their faces covered were not infiltrated from the Serb intelligence service or from the infamous organization ISIS which is terrorizing Iraq”, writes Matoshi adding that the ‘rebels’ that protested in Mitrovica on 22 June are fed by ‘ethno nationalism’ but no one in Kosovo has tried to direct the Kosovo society towards “uprooting stupidity”. He says that the slogan used in the protest, “Either You or Us” is fascist and these types of slogans have been noted it turbulent times of great depressions. However, Matoshi considers that the youths who protested in Mitrovica on Sunday and set ablaze cars should not be stigmatized but they should be debated with. If one would to sit down with these youths and talk, one would see that they are frustrated at the political situation and mostly unemployed. Therefore, when someone asks who these “mysterious” protesters that set Mitrovica ablaze are, it would be irresponsible and ignorant to claim they were infiltrated from ISIS. “These were Kosovar youths! Unfortunately!” exclaims Matoshi.