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Now the blockade has only three letters: PDK (Koha Ditore)

According to Adriatik Kelmendi the current blockade by the Democratic Party of Kosovo is not a principled one; neither is it a state building, emancipating or a moral one. No one can ever say that a political party cannot be part of an institution, or the executive if it manages to make the majority at the Assembly, in cooperation with some other party. However, everyone would consider pretensions of a party which does not have the majority, an occupation.

There is no reason to punish the citizens further. If PDK assures the majority, let it be the first to try and create the government. However, in case that it does not manage to do so, then it would have been dignifying to open way to the parliamentary majority, if it exists. No matter how unreasonable the persistence of the coalition block to sit at the same table with PDK may seem, no one and neither PDK can force them to do so if they are not willing to, especially now when they gave in by leaving the post of Assembly President to PDK.

Let the first step take place, unblock the institution from which even the budget of Kosovo depends, and then everyone can make their own moves on creation of the government. In this manner, we will at least know that we will have a government prior to the constitutional deadline and prior to the extraordinary elections. While a week ago, one could hold coalition block also responsible for the stalemate, now the blockade has only one name with three letters: It is called PDK,” writes Kelmendi.