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Sixteen days (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily stresses that Kosovo is now part of the global campaign of raising awareness regarding the gender based violence. “With the support of the United Nations Office and the UN Women, the 16 day activity aims drawing attention especially of men and youth, on the role that they could have on defense of women’s rights,” stressed the editorial.

The paper further notes that organizers of this campaign focused on distribution of their messages through social networks, being that they are more frequented by the youth. The editorial notes that unlike the developed countries where victims of the violence are defended by law, Kosovo cannot respond by the legal power to the perpetrators. “On the other hand, the state should allocate more funds for the treatment of the victims and their rehabilitation,” notes this daily adding that little has been done on this direction even though these women need financial, judicial, healthcare and psychological support. “Poverty makes some women dependent on men, which makes it impossible for them to react even when physically abused.  In the meantime, Kosovo our society, Kosovo families, should emancipate on understanding the victims of violence and accept them, instead of rejecting them as it often happens,” stresses the editorial adding that the initiated campaign for raising awareness and reporting the cases of violence is beneficial. “This campaign could also be an inducement for the media, especially those online, to pay more attention to the treatment of the gender based violence cases.

Instead of irrelevant news, they should open debates and write about the victims of violence and lack of state support for them.
