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Saatchi & Thaci and  the “passive observer” Mustafa (Koha Ditore)

Journalist Enver Robelli writes in an opinion piece that the image of Kosovo has been destroyed by the government and not by the majority of citizens. Robelli argues that the “concerned citizens of Kosovo can fix the image of their country through peaceful resistance until they achieve qualitative changes in politics.” Robelli writes: “Stones were thrown in the streets of Pristina last Tuesday, directed especially against the bad governance perennial. Kosovo's image in the world has not been destroyed by protesters, but by Saatchi & Saatchi and the several millions tender aimed to allegedly improve Kosovo’s image.”  Further on, the author writes that among Thaci and the "passive observer" [Mustafa] regime and stones against this regime, the lost, impoverished and humiliated generation will choose the stones. According to him, this Parliament composition must approve the establishment of the special court and then start preparing for new parliamentary elections. “A large multi-party coalition can bring significant changes in Kosovo’s politics. But, this requires major civic mobilization. Kosovo citizens should be mobilized to achieve their primary interest, and this interest is a functional state. The state will not become functional if Jablanovic leaves. It may become functional and serve its citizens if people protest against corruption, organized crime and political gangs.”