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In whose service were the uninvited “liberators” from Kumanovo? (Koha)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that the outbreak of violence between Albanians and Macedonians is primarily in the interest of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. “Being uninterruptedly in power since 2006, Gruevski has managed to bring under his full control the state, the most important sectors of the economy, to intimidate and make his servants the majority of the media and to practically suspend the activities of the opposition,” Robelli writes. He further adds that in the last couple of weeks, Gruevski’s regime tried to shift the attention away from the wiretapping scandals by provoking a conflict with armed groups of Albanians. “Albanians in Macedonia, especially those in Kumanovo, who were terrorized by the mysterious police action, need to ask themselves: who are these people, these Albanians who gave themselves the mandate to fight, to start a conflict and to risk bringing down with them innocent civilians? Who gave them this right?” he asks. Robelli points out that there is reasonable anger in the Albanian public against the anti-Albanian policy of the Gruevski government. “This situation becomes even more intolerable when we take into account that an Albanian party, Ali Ahmeti’s DUI, is part of this government”. In closing, Robelli suggests that Albanians in FYROM should learn an urgent lesson from this weekend’s events: they need to form a new political party in order to fight for their legitimate rights and to remove Albanian criminal elements from politics.