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Caught by surprise: Once again (Lajmi)

Kosovo MP Blerim Shala argues in his opinion piece that “Albanians in Kosovo must realize once and for all that the time of national political project ended on February 17, 2008. There is no reason to return to 1998, 1999 or 2001, and to seek action models as politics, because if we do so we will risk 2008 when our objective as Kosovo Albanians was fulfilled in its entirety. The long-term stability of the state of Kosovo depends inter alia on good relations with all neighboring countries, the stability and security of the whole region, and without these elements we cannot even dream about Kosovo’s membership of multinational organizations, such as NATO and the European Union. We are in 2015. And we as a nation, both Kosovo and Albania, do not know how to manage our biggest political growth in history”.
