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Special court must be established (Zeri)

Xhavit Haliti, the Deputy President of the Kosovo Assembly and senior member of the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), argues in an opinion piece that the special court, which will address war crimes allegedly committed by former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, “will put an end to the fabrications and doubts, it will free many people from anxiety and I hope it will confirm the truth on the matter”. Haliti further notes that he understands the motivation behind those who reject the establishment of the special court. “The sensitivities are present and legitimate. One cannot accuse the victims, Kosovo and Kosovo Albanians, for having committed crimes. The possibilities for the victims to commit crimes are very limited, but one cannot say impossible. During our war for liberation, some of us could have individually crossed the line between the war and crime, between the right to freedom and violating the freedom of another human being. I stand firmly behind my conviction that the United States of America and our strategic allies, who insist on the establishment of the special court, want what is best for the people of Kosovo,” Haliti concludes.