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A state – hostage of commanders (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi says that Kosovo has become hostage of the war commanders, even though the war is over 16 year ago. Some of these commanders are enriched by being in power, the others enriched in opposition. These commanders might have known to lead or help the war, however now they are failing Kosovo with their moral deficit. According to him, the current position of Kosovo police officers represents the position of Kosovo population who stand in the middle as some black sheep. “These police officers are voters. They have voted for AAK, LDK, NISMA, PDK or Vetevendosje, or perhaps they did not vote at all. They are brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, friends of Vetevendosje, PDK, NISMA and AAM members, or to none of them. These police officers are synonym of the entire population of this Republic. And as we can see, these police officers are being terrorized, humiliated for the needs of these commanders, just as Kosovo people.

One of these commanders who behaves as a commander even 16 years after the war, is Hashim Thaci. He calls for an uncompromised war against his colleagues in opposition, calling them criminals. This is the after-war commander who orders the police to maltreat opposition deputies. Another “wannabe” commander who wants to behave so even 16 years after the war is Isa Mustafa, who threatens and insults his former colleagues from the opposition block. Another war commander, AAK deputy Lahi Brahima, uses his mandate given by the people, to make impossible representation of any deputy at the Assembly. He removes the mask of the police officer to threaten him, which means a threat to uniform which represents security of the state. The other “wannabe” commander, who behaves as a commander even though he does not have the mandate to represent any citizen of this country, being that he was never voted, Dardan Molliqaj, decides to take justice in his own hands, to take an ordinary clerk of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo out of the vehicle by force and allows his followers to destroy the vehicle of the same Republic.

People of Kosovo have no reason to fear these “commanders.” They should make it clear to them that they are not above the law, they are not masters of their fates, and will not be able to keep the state hostage. Finally, Hashim, Isa, Lahi and Dardan, are only four names of this Republic. And they cannot waste lives of more than two million people. If we do not tell them today where they belong, tomorrow they gain courage to enter our homes, to crash us, terrorize, humiliate and hurt us for their needs and egos. And, Kosovo would not be the first in history of states to have such fate,” writes Kelmendi.