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Kosovo state much more important than Thaçis complexion (

Enver Robelli writes today in his opinion piece that Hashim Thaci’s and his dependents’ concerns, are not Kosovo’s concerns, therefore Pristina should coordinate with NATO, the U.S. and the EU with regards to the creation of the army.

“This is where Kosovo’s irresponsible politicians such as Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli lead us to. Their steps to create Kosovo’s Army for their private and para-political interests, induced a range of reactions,” he writes quoting further statement of the NATO Secretary General and U.S. Embassy to Kosovo.

The immediate slap that Thaci and Veseli received by Kosovo’s vital friends, shows that their initiative is dilettante, irresponsible, adventurous, absurd. This is where Kosovo’s irresponsible politicians lead us to: NATO that bombed Serbia to liberate Kosovo holds an opposing position towards this attempt to create the Army of Kosovo and the Serbian Prime Minister pretends that he almost came into tears when NATO chief told him that North Atlantic Alliance does not support Thaci’s and Veseli’s initiative.

While Veseli is busy during the day presenting his most recent video-clip, Thaci appeared in front of the media playing the role of “the strong” that does not listen what NATO and America say. With an angry face, disoriented, uncertain on his reading, Thaci pledged that there is no turning back, that Kosovo will have the Army. No one from almost two million Albanians denies the necessity of the Republic to have its own army, but two million Albanians have the right to suspect Hashim Thaci’s and his gang’s motives. Hashim Thaci’s concerns and those of his dependents are not Kosovo’s concerns. Therefore, Kosovo should coordinate with NATO, the U.S. and EU with regards to the creation of Kosovo’s Army, because Kosovo state is much more important than Thaci’s angry face.

If Thaci is creating all this mess because he might have understood that the possibility for him to be one of the acused of the Special Court is not excluded, then he should learn from Ramush Haradinaj and not involve the fate of two million citizens with the blots that he might have in his political biography. The same is valid for the Assembly President with adolescent voice and ambitions to become absolute ruler of Kosovo. The behavior of this so irresponsible political duet during the last days shows that when it comes to their power, they do not recognize any rule.

What they did to LDK during these days is not less than public rape in front of a nation of spectators. It was proved once again that whoever joins coalition with this PDK structure, will pay a high price: loss of any credibility in front of its electorate. This is the current situation of Isa Mustafa’s LDK. What has remained for this party to do now? To admit that its partner is throwing it in the trash as needless? To yield to the election process as Hashim Thaci’s and Kadri Veseli’s crutch party? Or to try to rebuild bridges with the other opposition parties through a new leadership, in order to create a new joint frontline to remove from power then fight Kadri Veseli’s and Hashim Thaci’s para-political structures?

In order for this to be possible, Vetevendosje movement should by all means become serious partner of the LDK. Vetevendosje is not having any problem to make coalitions with some Kremlin and Dedinje emissaries from Slobodan Milosevic’s time, but it is rushing to equalize LDK with Kosovo’s sworn enemies. The 2017 might not be the end, but it could be the beginning of the end of ruling of this PDK structure. Kosovo would pay a very high price for any power gap. Therefore, those who want a functional state should overcome their egos. Thaci and Veseli have their own troubles for now. Their worries should not be those of Kosovo citizens,” Robelli concludes.