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The shame of Kosovar society: No one talks about the victims (Prishtina Insight)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes in in opinion piece that while the attention of the media and the public in Kosovo is focusing on whether the law on specialist chambers is going to be repealed or not and who could stand to be indicted by it, there is no talk on why this court was created in the first place: Kosovo's failure to punish the criminals and to treat victims with dignity, regardless of their ethnicities. "Instead of being praised for their bravery, witnesses were seen as traitors. Victims were mainly ignored. Because to pay attention to the victims means to bring the suspects to justice," Robelli writes. He adds that for almost twenty years now Kosovo has co-existed with individuals suspected of these crimes many of whom went on to become political leaders, lawmakers or senior officials. “And after almost 20 years, there are people — the self-named patriots — who say: ‘the Specialist Court tarnishes the liberation war.’ And where have these people, these scribblers, been since 1999? Now, all of the sudden, some of them demand that suspects of war crimes be tried in Kosovo. When the process of establishing the Specialist Court moved forward, and now that its dissolution seems impossible, suddenly ‘the digital patriots’ get involved in discussing what judicial approach we should have to war crimes. This can only be called what it is: hypocrisy.”

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