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Thaci: Constitution must be respected, I will be Prime Minister (

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said he will be the designate to form the new government because he represents the party that won the 8 June parliamentary elections. Thaci said after the certification of election results he would commence consultations with political parties that could join the new government. He ruled out the possibility of a government formed and led by the opposition.

Mr. Thaci, your party won the 8 June elections. Meanwhile, three other parties have reached an agreement and are now trying to form the government. What is your position on this?

The state of Kosovo has won a lot with the 8 June elections. The New Mission and the people of Kosovo won with these elections. We proved once again that democracy is being developed. We held free, fair, democratic elections in line with international standards, and these were some of the best elections in the region. We successfully managed the pre-election process and the election day. The Republic of Kosovo received international praise for organizing such elections. The victory of the PDK, the new mission, was spectacular and convincing and I will continue to respect the will of the sovereign.

Have you found partners for the new government, given that the election result does not guarantee that the PDK can form a government on its own?

The victory of the New Mission is the will of the people of Kosovo. No one can violate this will. I will manage the process after receiving the mandate from the President in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. One thing is certain, the Democratic Party of Kosovo won the elections and I am in contact with possible coalition partners. Once election results are certified, I will meet with political parties and discuss the formation of the government.

How much room does the Constitution allow for the opposition to form the government, given the agreement between LDK, AAK and Nisma for the formation of the government?

I don’t want to make constitutional and legal interpretations. The Democratic Party of Kosovo won the elections, the winning party will propose its candidate for prime minister and the winning party that gets the required majority in Parliament will form the government.

Will you form the government?

I led the New Mission campaign together with my team. I am very determined to continue the agenda for economic development, to create 200,000 new jobs, to create the €1.5 billion employment fund and to improve the social welfare of the people of Kosovo. As far as political opponents are concerned, I understand their emotional reaction which is a result of their disappointment with undesired election results and lack of trust from the people. Nevertheless, I expect we will all work together for the good of the country and to consolidate our statehood.

If you will lead the Thaci 3 government, what will be your offer to other parties?

I feel very good and proud to have six elections in the last seven years as prime minister. I feel good and responsible for the trust I got from the people and for being the most voted leader in seven years. The party that I lead has won the most votes; the people have expressed faith in the New Mission. I will try to be as generous as possible as far as the coalition is concerned, so that we can have political and institutional stability and good governance.

Mr. Thaci, are you ruling out the possibility of your party going in the opposition?

The people have determined the political landscape and this cannot be done by the hasty and emotional actions of political leaders.

While new institutions have yet to be established, do you think a political stalemate is likely to happen and is it possible that the country could go to early elections?

I don’t think there is any reason to have a political stalemate or blockade. We all need to think and reflect positively, with understanding and tolerance, and find the solution that helps the future of our country. We must not allow anyone to ruin Kosovo’s image after these successful and well-organized elections. It is certainly in no one’s interest to have an institutional blockade or to go to new elections. We must all respect the Constitution and the laws of Kosovo, the political reality and the will of the people.

In case the opposition forms the government, will you consider it legitimate and in accordance with the Constitution?

The winning party is the Democratic Party of Kosovo, no one can violate the will of the people because of emotional wishes or disappointing moments.

Which opposition party would you prefer as a partner, given that the AKR [New Kosovo Alliance] has not crossed the threshold?

I don’t want to comment on the results of political parties; the people have spoken, they have expressed their will, and everything else is clear. Once the election results are certified, I will undertake the necessary constitutional and legal steps in full compliance with the will of the people, as the winning party and leader of these elections.