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Thaci: Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel (Kosovapress)

Hashim Thaci, the outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), stated that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and NISMA have bypassed all criteria and principals by creating a “union” based on close personal interests and spite. According to him, this “union” has become factor of the tendency to block expressed will of the population for the New Mission. Thaçi however has faith that this “union” is temporary.

He added that now is the moment for all political actors to become serious and respect the vote of the population and their will. “The elections of June will not be remembered only for the fact that they were free and democratic, where PDK through its New Mission came out as a winner for the third time,” said Thaci. Above all, he adds, these elections will be remembered for the radical transformation of the society and political parties. “For instance, PDK gained its victory thank to the national the New Mission project, which is above all narrow party interests and focuses only on two, national essential issues: employment and economic development.”

 Thaci added that the essential transformation was reached during the second phase, when political parties (the second, third, fourth and fifth) bypassed every criteria and principal. “This temporary block changed and alienated especially the third (Albanian) political party. This party vehemently stepped on its proclaimed ideals and principals, only to strengthen the block of spite. In this manner, this party gave up on everything that its voters trusted, including its ideal for national unification and interruption of the dialogue with Belgrade. Be as it may, I consider that with blockade of the New Mission, with creation of political and institutional crisis, the block of spitefulness has had a short term intention which is already being considered as overpassed. Yesterday the President of Kosovo set the date for the constitution of the new Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.”

“Now is the momentum for all political actors to become serious and respect the vote and the will of the population. From today, the clock has started to count the steps that should be undertaken in order for Kosovo to have sustainable, broad-band and capable institutions for implementation of the New Mission. I believe as all Kosovo population does, that unification of Kosovo political specter should happen due to the interest of the state and not due to personal spite and caprice.”

 The following days are determinant to prove our political maturity and capability to give the citizens what they expect from us – the government which will be able to implement the New Mission. I believe in this project and aim as strongly as the citizens of Kosovo do. I already see the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Thaci.