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Ymeri: We have agreement, to be signed soon (RFE)

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, Vetevendosje MP Visar Ymeri confirmed they have reached an agreement with the coalition bloc between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and this is expected to be signed during the week.

He said that the principles on which Vetevendosje insisted on have been also endorsed by the coalition bloc and they are now expected to be formalized in an agreement. “The agreement in essence is the same as it was and we are dealing with the same principles we proposed from the outset”, said Ymeri.

“It is very important that the government being formed will be a government absolutely different from what we have seen until now in Kosovo”, he said further in the conversation adding that this is the first time since declaration of independence that Kosovo is truly thinking and acting as a state. “Until now, we had politicians who were dependable and of course there can be no independent Kosovo will dependable politicians”, stressed Ymeri.

He added that once the agreement for joint governance is signed, there will be coordination with MPs from the coalition bloc on how to act during the Assembly’s constitutive session.