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Dacic: Serbia supports anti-terrorism cooperation (Tanjug)

NEW YORK - Serbia welcomes the adoption of the resolution on foreign fighters and it is ready to step up the cooperation with all countries in the region and the wider community in the fight against terrorism, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said in New York on Wednesday.

Dacic attended a meeting of the UN Security Council chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama.

The resolution passed by UNSC urges all countries to enact laws that would make the joining of the jihadist groups, such as Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front, a serious felony.

"Serbia, one of the co-sponsors, welcomes the adoption of the resolution on foreign terrorist fighters which we believe will contribute in the long run to the solution of the problem of terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, as the most serious threat to the international peace and security,” said Dacic.

Serbian foreign minister expressed the belief that the resolution and the debate will strengthen the cooperation between all members of the UN in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

The terrorist threat has been raised in the past decade, he stressed, noting that unstable political situation and a lack of social and economic prospects provide fertile ground for extremist activities of all kinds.

"Terrorism is a complex issue that demands coordinated activity and equal attention paid to all its aspects, on both national and international levels,” said Dacic.

The roots of terrorism are diverse and wide-ranging, stemming from the rise of fanaticism, social exclusion, particularly of ethnic and religious minorities, limited access to education, he specified.

"The fight against terrorism will be a long and difficult one, and military measures alone will not be enough. A multidimensional approach is essential and for that reason we welcome the adoption of this resolution," said Dacic.

Noting that Serbia faced the problem of foreign fighters as well, Dacic said that a law is to be passed in Serbia that will envisage strict penalties for individuals fighting abroad, as well as for those who recruit and finance them.

Dacic reiterated that Serbia is ready to step up the cooperation with all countries in the region and the wider international community in the fight against terrorism.