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Dacic: Non-reduced role of UNMIK needed on the ground (Beta)

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic, during his meeting with the Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, stressed the need for non-reduced role of UNMIK on the ground, particularly in the context of offering support to dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Ministry stated that Dacic also underlined the importance for respect of the principles of the status neutrality of the international presence in Kosovo, whose guarantor is UNMIK.

Due and Dacic discussed and activities of Serbia in the UN peace keeping operations and intentions of Serbia to expand activities on that field.

Peter Due pointed out that Serbia in its engagement stands out as the leader in the Western Balkan region, and that it is among the first ten European countries by military and police personnel in the UN peacekeeping missions.
Due and Dacic assessed that the regional round table on the UN peacekeeping operations, which will be held in Belgrade on 20 and 21 October, organized by the UN and Serbia, will represent a useful forum for examining further contribution of countries of the region in promoting peace and security in the world.
