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Janjic: Dialogue is irreversible, however it is in a risky phase (RTK2)

Process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is irreversible, however it is in a risky phase, said analyst Dusan Janjic to RTK2. From that reason, more active role of the European Union is needed in Brussels negotiations, and involvement of the international community in the process of the creation of Kosovo government, assessed Janjic.

“First, it should be said that provisions of Brussels agreement and deadlines for implementation are particularly unrealistic and short. I would like to remind, that Community of Serbian Municipalities was due to be created until last year’s July, and we know that elections were over in October. Thus, those are completely unrealistically set goals. If we are talking about the content of Brussels agreement, it is not quite clear who is supposed to bring the statue of the Community of Serbian Municipalities,” said Janjic.

From the very beginning Pristina keeps insisting on simultaneous implementation and continued dialogue, what is not always feasible, whereas Belgrade had the excuse that Pristina is dragging, said Janjic and added that the truth is probably somewhere on the half-way.

“It is obvious that some kind of new preparation has been launched for division on the Ibar River. I think that there’s a focal point which is burdening all players. On that point the process has been brought back and is in a very risky phase. Unless the international community doesn’t get involved in the process of creation of Kosovo government, not any government but the one with the qualified majority, and unless European Commission doesn’t return to the negotiation process, it could lead to serious violations of Brussels agreement, and eventual departure from the process.“

Process is still irreversible, because the agreement is signed and ratified by the government and the assembly, thus it became an international obligation from which the EU won’t give up, said Janjic.

Continuation of negotiations at the political level is expected upon the creation of the Kosovo government.

“Obviously, this new tension, which is growing between political actors, and frequent statements are actually reflection over a finding, or awareness, that government will be created in Pristina in the end, what Belgrade didn’t expect, that there won’t be extraordinary elections and that negotiations will soon continue.”

When it comes to continuation of dialogue Janjic claims that EU has double standards.

“At the time when Dacic’s government was in technical mandate, negotiations were continued. After Thaci’s government assumed technical mandate, no talks are taking place, besides intervention meetings between Edita Tahiri and Marko Djuric with regard to so called ‘Park of Peace’. Thus, it is obvious that Brussels has withdrawn, be it after it got confused by the poor implementation or low level of implementation, or because it is preoccupied with the issue who will replace Catherine Ashton, it is obvious that it doesn’t have an active role anymore.”

Janjic added that messages could be heard from Brussels that Pristina, if it wants visa liberalization and progress in the European processes, or if Serbia wants negotiations with the EU, they will have to settle it on their own.

“I think that this is impossible and that Brussels should return to the process,” concluded Janjic.
