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Dacic: The project of a Greater Albania is not model for the future (Blic)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, said that Serbia deserves criticism for the mistakes which occurred in the organization of the football match Serbia-Albania, but Albania deserves the strongest condemnation because of the open and public presenting of the project "Greater Albania."

Reacting to the statement of the Albanian PM, Edi Rama, that "Albania is inspirational model for the future," Dacic said that he is not aware that the project of "Greater Albania" is model for the future of the region.

"That may be wishful thinking of the Albanian politicians. But for the EU, the USA and all the countries of the region that is the model of the past and the danger for destabilization and new conflicts in the Balkans. I pity the country whose model for the future is such a model from the past," said Dacic.

"Serbia deserves criticism for mistakes related to the organization of the match. However, Albania deserves the strongest condemnation because of the unprecedented provocation in the middle of our country and before the television audience around the world, by openly presenting the project of Greater Albania. With that project Albania openly threatens to Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Greece, but also to all the Europe and the world, "said Dacic.
