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Djuric: More than 30 incidents against Serbs in two weeks (Tanjug)

The Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said today in Belgrade, at a session of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, that 30 incidents against Serbs and their property have been registered in the last two weeks in Kosovo, but that no one has been held responsible.

Djuric stressed that incidents have intensified following the recent football match between the Serbian and Albanian national teams. He said extremists have attacked Serbs and sprayed walls with offensive graffiti but that no one has been punished. He recalled that Albanian-owned shops had also been attacked in Serbia proper but that state bodies had managed to resolve all cases and identify those responsible.

Djuric also said that the formation of the provincial government is needed as soon as possible so that the Brussels Agreement can be implemented, the Association/Community of Serb municipalities can be created, and the Brussels dialogue can continue. He went on to say that the Serbian List’s participation in the provincial government would contribute to stability and safety for all in the province.

The session of the Serbian Government’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija was attended by representatives of the Serbian List, heads of districts, and mayors of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo. Representatives of UNMIK, KFOR and EULEX were also invited, but did not attend the session, which dealt with security in the province. That was sharply condemned by the Committee Member from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Momir Stojanovic, who assessed that by not showing up, those international bodies had showed their attitude toward the security situation in Kosovo.
