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First meeting between parliaments of Serbia and Kosovo (Danas)

A round table debate dubbed “Parliaments of Serbia and Kosovo and normalization of relations” is due to take place today in Pristina in the organization of the American Council for Inclusive Management and the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.

MPs from almost all parliamentary caucuses of both assemblies should discuss the role of these institutions in the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

According to a list forwarded to Belgrade-based daily Danas, MPs from Belgrade are: Aleksandar Jablanović (Movement of Socialists), Vladeta Kostić (SNS), Aida Čvorović (DS), Janko Veselinović (SDS), Nada Lazić (LSV), Dejan Radenković and Vanja Vukić (SPS).

Parliament of Kosovo should be represented, amongst the others, by the outgoing Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hodžaj, Adem Grabovci (DPK), Ilir Deda and Dardan Molikaj (Self-Determination), Sadri Ferati (LDK), Adrijan Gjini (AAK), Slobodan Petrović (SLS) and Jakup Krasniqi (Initiative for Kosovo).

If we exclude the visit, which took place fey years ago, of than member of the Kosovo parliament’s presidency Petar Miletic from the SLS to than speaker of the Serbian parliament Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic, this will be the first meeting between the MPs from the two assemblies.
