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Judiciary is still controversial (Danas)

Considering the fact that the opening of the first chapter in the negotiations between Serbia and the EU depends on the implementation of the Brussels Agreement, we asked officials from the Office for KIM for the list of the agreements, which Serbia has implemented so far. 

The Brussels Agreement was signed in April 2013 by the then Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaci. On 22 May, both PMs agreed in Brussels about the plan for implementation of the agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. 

The implementation plan, which was drafted in English, Albanian and Serbian language, contained the terms and steps that Belgrade and Pristina should take until the end of 2013 in the implementation of the Agreement - adjustment of legal regulations, forming the Community of Serbian municipalities, The Police and judiciary, application of the ten previous Brussels "technical" agreements and the continuation of the political dialogue. 

As stated by The Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the working group for adjustment of legal procedures met only once. Pristina side showed no interest in participating in the work of the group, and Brussels did not call for the meetings of that body. "Pristina has not made any changes to the legal system, while Serbia did it, though with specific dynamics," was said in the Office for K&M. 

Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO)

Both sides were tasked to set up a management team, in order to establish a community with a list of tasks and duties that Board for implementation assigned to them. The Office said that management team with a list of tasks and duties was established and that Belgrade drafted the statute, while Pristina did not adjusted regulations, in order to facilitate the conditions for the establishment of the ZSO. 


Officials of the Office for Kosovo and Metohiju claim that Belgrade has literally done everything in regards to the agreement on Police, while Pristina did not integrate all members - 22 members of the Police and fire fighters, the rescue workers and administrative staff. 


In the area of justice, the working group has not met for several months because of the political vacuum and lack of government in Pristina. "In meetings before dissolution of the Kosovo parliament, Pristina was trying to interpret the agreement in a different way and impose attitudes that would change the Agreement, which created a legal vacuum and the lack of legal mechanisms in northern Kosovo. The structure of the Courts and Prosecution offices should reflect the ethnic picture in the north, was said in the office. 

The agreement on local elections was implemented. The officials of the Serbian Office for K&M said: "Let's be clear and open. The decision of Serbia that the Serbs should take part in parliamentary elections in the province, in its significance transcends the entire Brussels Agreement. The public did not comment it enough, and many people do not understand it. 

The transparency of funding, which was the sixth point of the Plan, was also implemented. 

Technical agreements

When it comes to the full implementation of all agreements which were previously reached in the dialogue, only the obligations related to the Cadastre documents are in the process of the physical realization. The responsibilities about the registry books, the customs’ seals, university diplomas, freedom of movement, regional representation, integrated management of administrative crossings, the agreement on liaison officers, customs duties / the development of the fund for northern Kosovo and the continuation of the political dialogue are fully implemented, claim the officials of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija.