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Bjelić: Trepca is privately owned company (RTK2)

Former Director of Trepca Complex Novak Bjelic said that Belgrade must not accept talks about Trepca with Pristina authorities, because, as he said, “it is a done deal”. "Trepca is a stock company, not a property of the state," said Bjelić adding that if the UNSC Resolution 1244 continues to be respected, Trepca cannot belong to Kosovo. 

Former Director of Trepca said that owners of the capital must be respected and that state cannot interfere with it. "What would happen, for example, if Esmark would invest in Smederevo Zelezara (steelworks), start production and then someone from the state says that company belongs to the state. I personally think that our government is risking of falling into the trap, in case government officials start talks about Trepca complex," said Bjelić. 

He recalled that after the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK in Kosovo it was proved that Trepca is privately owned company, which Bernard Kouchner then had to recognize.