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EU won't set conditions it knows we won't fulfill (B92)

MP Milovan Drecun (SNS) says he "believes" that the EU will not set conditions before Serbia that it knows in advance the country "won't fulfill."

In a statement for reporters made in parliament on Thursday, Drecun, who chairs the Committee on Kosovo and Metohija, noted that five EU member-states have not recognized Kosovo, and that the process of normalization between Belgrade and Pritina has been unfolding within "a status-neutral framework - and so it will remain."

Commenting on a recent statement made by Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci that "recognition of Kosovo will come formally as part of the process of Euro-integrations," Drecun said this was "not the road that leads forward or reduces the enormous tensions and abyss."

"Thaci is a man of the past who does not know how to think about the future," said the Serbian parliamentary official, adding that Thaci now "faces the formation of a war crimes court, the great dissatisfaction of Albanians due to the bad economic situation," and is also "the leader of the best-organized crime group."

Drecun then advised Thaci to "deal with these things instead of destabilizing the already fragile relations with his statements."

Drecun also spoke about Serbia's decision to send its soldiers to the Victory Day parade in Moscow on May 9, and noted that he "did not know why anyone would be against that."

Serbia is a country that "carried great burden" in the fight against fascism, he said, and added that marking victory over fascism in WW2 was one of the greatest accomplishments of modern Europe.

"Victory over such evil is best marked with a parade, and if somebody sees Serbia's anti-European course in that, or is trying to see behavior other than what Serbian officials are saying, that person is clearly either not well-intentioned or is trying to politically abuse the new geo-political situation," said this MP from the ruling Serb Progressive Party (SNS).

Drecun "stressed that modern Europe is founded on anti-fascism," and that the EU was "created in order for the Second World War evil not to be repeated."
