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The EU slows down Serbia because of the neighboring countries (Vecernje Novosti)

Brussels will slow down the Serbia’s progress on the road to the EU with the new conditions, regardless of Serbia’s tangible progress, so that all Balkan countries could be admitted “as a package”, was confirmed for Novosti from several informal diplomatic sources. Because of this informal strategy Belgrade is faced with the additional conditions and above all with the famous 11 Berlin’s conditions.

To which extent this scenario is unfavorable for Serbia is evidenced by the fact that all countries, except Montenegro, are having years-long backlog in EU integrations. For example only Bosnia and Herzegovina is six years after Serbia, and still didn't submit request for the membership.

Removal of the ‘Peace Park’ from the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica, as one of the German conditions, could be at this phase the biggest obstacle on Serbia’s way to the EU. This condition is practically impossible for the Belgrade, particularly after a series of the incidents in the North. On the other side that condition is crucial for the Brussels and mandatory for opening of the chapters.

Serbia also cannot accept to hand over to Pristina managing over the strategic facilities for the energy supply, Gazivode and Valac, though that is one of the new conditions, beside Brussels agreement. That is the reason why Brussels is prolonging to finally present what will be requested within the Chapter 35 on Kosovo.


Progress of the region on the road to the EU membership


Montenegro- in 2012 started negotiations, opened 16 Chapters and closed 2

Serbia- in 2014 started negotiations, waits for the opening of the Chapters

Macedonia- in 2004 submitted the request for membership

Pristina- in 2014 finished negotiations of SAA

Albania- in 2009 submitted the request for membership

B&H- in 2008 signed the SAA