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Spain has always been under pressure to recognize Kosovo (Danas)

Interview: Miguel Angel Moratinos, the former head of Spanish diplomacy, and honorary citizen of Belgrade

Serbia has formally started accession negotiations with the European Union in January 2014. However, negotiating chapters have not been opened. It is obvious that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is one of the most important conditions. How do you assess this approach of the EU?

While I was foreign minister, I have always advocated, as well the Spanish government, that the accession negotiations with Serbia should be in the form of bilateral framework, without taking into account the Kosovo negotiations. Those should be two parallel processes. I am recommending the same approach to the EU. Linking those two processes is the wrong policy.

Supporters of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo in the EU say that Brussels and the so-called big Member States need to step up pressure on EU countries that do not recognize the independence, so they would change the policy. Are the five EU countries that do not recognize the independence, including Spain, under pressure?

The pressures have always existed. The pressures that I personally suffered will be presented in my memoirs. The EU cannot be used to pressure. I do not think that any of these countries, including Spain, would change the position. The Kosovo issue should be agreed by the two parties with the support of United Nations Security Council. Without this there is no recognition of the independence and it is legally logical decision.

EU was not enthralled because Serbia - its president and Army Guard - attended a military parade in Moscow on May 9. Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that "it might look like abandoning European values" and that it is not easy to explain the EU member states what Serbia will do in the parade. What do you think about that?

I think that European countries should increase cooperation with Russia. Serbia's role can bridge the gap between Russia and the West. Also, they must consider highly developed cultural and historical ties between the Serbia and Russian Federation. It is normal that Serbia will be present at the parade and will have friendly relations with Russia, because that is a country that suffered a lot from the Nazis. It is not "abandoning European values" - on the contrary, Serbia can contribute to the improvement of relations between Russia and the EU.

According to your opinion when the relations between the West and Russia will be normalized? The current crisis is also affecting Serbia. Maybe Belgrade and Pristina will normalize their relations before it. 

All conflicts should be resolved as soon as possible, because we live in a very complicated world. As soon reconciliation between Russia and the West happens, it will be better for everyone, even for Serbia. As soon the relations between Belgrade and Pristina normalize it will be better for both, the Balkans and the EU. I cannot talk about deadlines, but I recommend as soon as possible, so that we could enter into an era of security and prosperity.

