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The plaque for the missing journalists set for the fourth time (RTK2)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) for the fourth time set the memorial plaque for missing journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perinic from Radio Pristina, which were kidnapped in 1998.  UNS announced that the plaque will be set on Wednesday, May 27th, on the road Velika Hoca - Zociste, in the municipality Orahovac. The plate was destroyed in the past three years immediately after placing it and so far, Kosovo police have not discovered who and why broke the plaque.

On the day of the disappearance, Slavuj and Perinic went to make a report on the return of the kidnapped monks in the Monastery Sveti Vraci in Zočište and mistakenly turned into the area controlled by the KLA.

Before setting the plaque for the missing journalists, representatives of UNS and DNKiM will meet with the Mayor of Gracanica, Vladeta Kostic. On the same day at 17 o'clock, in the Cultural Center in Gorazdevac will be opened an exhibition of photographs of Branko Belic. He will present photo - essay "Lica" (Faces), in which the characters are known journalists, painters, actors, politicians ...
