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Europe must stop the farce (Vecernje Novosti)

Jacques Ogar, former Head of French Special Units in Kosovo, after signing Kumanovo Agreement, initiated petition for the release of Oliver Ivanovic. He said that the case against Oliver Ivanovic is basically political process, stressing that EU must immediately react in order to stop that farce.

Why Oliver Ivanovic was detained? 

The crime of Oliver Ivanovic is that he wholeheartedly insisted on consistent implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1244, according to which Kosovo and Metohija are integral part of Serbia. He is the victim of political process. That is clear to everybody. That’s why the EU must do something.

What do you expect to succeed with this petition? 

We want to alarm the public, media and the European Union.

To whom you will hand over the petition and when?

To Federica Mogherini. She is having the power. Foreign and Security policy is within her competence. That includes the issue of justice in Kosovo.