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Zubin Potok ecological zone (Vesti)

Councillors in Zubin Potok have unanimously decided that the municipalities in northern Kosovo, known for its vast expanse and extremely valuable natural resources, in future will be an ecological zone and the mountain Mokra Gora protected zone.

In Zubin Potok have undertaken such a step in order to preserve and improve the environment, which, as emphasized in the special Declaration adopted by the councillors, is severely compromised, especially with illegal felling of trees and theft of forest that runs from 1999.

The protection of the mountain Mokra Gora will be temporary and limited to two years until everything fits into the legal framework and until creation of a long term development strategy.

During this period, on the mountain will be completely prohibited unauthorized cutting of firewood and technical wood on private and social plots, any type of hunting on small and large game, improperly collecting of wild berries, wild herbs and mushrooms, the expulsion of cattle grazing in the protected zone, the construction of any types of temporary and permanent facilities without special permission, waste disposal and exploitation of mineral raw materials...