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Serbia seeking 40 former KLA members (Koha, RTK2)

Three former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) could face the same destiny of Ramush Haradinaj when traveling out of Kosovo, writes Pristin-based Koha Ditore.

According to the paper, Interpol warrants are still valid for Azem Syla, Shukri Buja and Fatmir Limaj. They are on warrants, which are valid in 190 states, whereas names of Hashim Thaci and Agim Ceku have been removed from the list. Warrant for Thaci was automatically removed after he became a prime minister of Kosovo, in line with the Interpol rules that representatives of governments and ministers of foreign affairs can’t be arrested. Ceku has been removed from the list in 2009, following his arrest in Bulgaria where he spent 72 hours in detention.

Koha writes that complete list with names of the KLA members, for whom Serbia has issued warrants, has 40 names amongst whom are and Haradinaj, Buja and Syla, for whom warrants have been issued in 2002 and 2004, whereas the warrant for Limaj was issued in 2010.
