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“We expect justice to be satisfied” (RTK2)

Kosovo parliament MPs have paved the way for creation of the special court for the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) crimes. Representative of the Association of Kidnapped and Missing Serbs Silvana Marinković says that she is not expecting too much, however she voiced hope that justice will be satisfied.

“We don’t know who is going to be in the special court and whether they will perform what is expected from them, or whether it will only be for the general public and to be as it was so far that perpetrators are sometimes arrested and then released. What we are not sure about is safety of witnesses and how free they would be to testify about crimes in Kosovo,” said Marinković.

Fund for Humanitarian Law in Kosovo supports creation of the special court said Bekim Blakaj.
“We deeply trust that the court and prosecution will carry out their tasks in professional manner,” said Blakaj and voiced expectation that they will be able to share information from the court proceedings because general public should learn, in Kosovo and abroad, about facts presented in those proceedings.

Former MP in the Kosovo parliament Randjel Nojkic said that this is excellent way for injustice made to Serbs to be corrected and voiced hope that international court will find the mechanisms to protect witnesses this time.
