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Kamenica: Serbian student was attacked during a break (Kontakt plus Radio)

Near the school in Kosovska Kamenica group of Albanian high school students physically attacked Vukasin Nikolic. Parents and pupils request hiring of the school policeman. In the Police was stated that attackers were found and that the case was handed over to judiciary.

The pupil Vukasin Nikolic says that he was returning from a break, when six Albanians intercepted him. "First I was verbally mistreated and then they stopped me and started physically abusing me. They grabbed me for the neck and then kicked me. They told me something about the football game Albania-Serbia," Nikolic said.

Because of the incident, several parents of Serbian students spent the day in school yard. Parents of the attacked boy spoke with the police commander and showed him the medical report. Father of the attacked student Nenad Nikolic says that Police officers told him they will deal with the case. "I do not know if they will, or will not. In the end, I will have to be present in front of the school, during the break between the classes," Nikolic added.