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Giving up a Brussels-based dialogue is not an option for the Government of Serbia (Blic)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian delegation intensified diplomatic activities, so that the EU would react to Pristina’s violations of the Brussels agreement. According to sources from the cabinet of Serbian PM, giving up the Brussels dialogue is not an option. Belgrade remains committed to the implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels, but insist that the other side finish commitments from the agreements.

“We are in constant contact with the Brussels officials and EU representatives in Serbia because we expect their reaction regarding Pristina’s decision on suspension of the Agreement on ZSO,” says our source, adding that “for now, there are no scheduled new round of negotiations, neither it is expected, until solving this issue.”

“It is obvious that Pristina decision on a suspension was brought to calm internal tensions after the fiasco with proposal for admission to UNESCO. The Brussels agreement is an international act, and is not subject to the laws of Kosovo. Official Brussels will react after the decision of the Constitutional Court and probably will influence implementation of the commitments,” says Nenad Djurdjevic, Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations.