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On the agenda and Belgrade-Pristina flight (Danas)

If tomorrow's meeting between the Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa and the EU High Representative for Security and Diplomacy Federica Mogherini takes place as planned, official topics will be the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), license plates, and establishing air traffic between Belgrade and Pristina, diplomatic sources close to the government told Dana.

Danas daily learned that although these topics were agreed upon at the technical level, in reality, Serbia will emphasize topics related to the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo by which the agreement on the ZSO was not in line with the Constitution of Kosovo, and the verdict against Oliver Ivanovic sentencing him to nine years in prison.

"If the meeting happens, topics will include the Community of Serbian municipalities, especially the adoption of the executive order by the Government in Pristina on the establishment of the ZSO as a precondition for further normalization, freedom of movement, and more specifically the use of license plates, and finally Belgrade/Pristina air traffic, excluding the question of lower layer airspace control, the issue of territorial integrity having been permanently resolved by Kumanovo Resolution 1244", said sources close to the government of Serbia.

But diplomatic sources familiar with the on-going dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo said that in practice things look a little different.

"The Serbian side believes that the non-implementation of the agreement and modification of the ZSO by the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo has led the dialogue to crisis. In reality this will dominate the meeting, as well as the verdict of Oliver Ivanovic's case," concluded a Danas source.

Although only one day remains until the meeting in Brussels, there has still been no official confirmation that Mustafa will travel to Brussels tomorrow. He has said that his attendance would be on condition that visa liberalization for Kosovo goes through.